Welcome To The Funegosyo Show!

This is the first album cover of the Funegosyo Show!
Funegosyo Show’s first album cover!

Welcome to the home base of the Funegosyo Show!

If you’re a fun-loving Pinoy entrepreneur (or planning to be one), this show is for you!

The Funegosyo Show is a recorded talk show where I chat with and extract wisdom from entrepreneurs who are clearly having fun running their businesses.

The tagline is: “Fun is the secret sauce of awesome businesses!

In today’s business climate, if you’re not having fun, you won’t last very long. Would you agree with that? 🙂

Listen to the interviews during your “mindless moments”, those moments when you’re doing activities that do not require too much of your brain cells. Like when you’re jogging, doing the dishes, stuck in traffic, or even while taking a shower.

Just a side note… if you’re an uptight entrepreneur with a serious, no-nonsense type of personality, this show is NOT for you! It’s too flexible and not as rigidly structured as the usual business talk shows on radio or TV.

I believe that when talking about business, there’s a time to be serious… but definitely not “all the time”!

As you can see, this website is in its “infancy stage”. 😀

Let’s treat this show like a “baby”. You and I will take good care of her and help her grow up into a useful member of society.

Listen to the audio version of the introduction to the show, hop on over to: http://www.funegosyo.com/00

So together let’s learn from and be inspired by successful entrepreneurs… all while having fun! 🙂

If you have any comments, suggestions, questions, and constructive criticism (obviously, I need a lot of that), please send me an email: alvin@funegosyo.com and I will be super grateful! 🙂

I’ll send you a bunch of useful free stuff, one of which is a nifty little guide with a crazy-long title called: “Five Useful Tools For Entrepreneurs That You’re Probably Not Aware Of … And They’re FREE!” which I’ll send you as soon as I read your message. Thanks in advance, fellow entrepreneur! 🙂